Ashiatsu Deep Feet Bar Therapy Massage
Ashiatsu Deep Feet Bar Therapy is a barefoot massage technique in which the therapist delivers deep, broad, consistent pressure while utilizing their feet and body weight. This ancient form of barefoot massage uses a deep compression that glides over the body. Gravitational force is combined with centrifugal and centripetal movements to bring about structural change in chronic soft tissue damage. After only a few treatments, Ashiatsu has been known to improve posture and range of motion. Pressure can be accommodated to all but for anyone looking for deep tissue or a deeper pressure massage.
The client does not experience the same pain as with traditional deep tissue massage. The softer but deeper application of the barefoot massage is a nice benefit. The whole body benefits from the broad and deep compressive strokes. Compared to the traditional deep tissue massage, the effects of this service go on for hours if not days.
In the Japanese language “Ashi” translates to foot and “atsu” into pressure.
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
60 Minutes
75 Minutes
90 Minutes
Swedish Relaxation Massage
This massage is one of the most common types of massages you can get. It is performed to energize the body and improve overall health. It is a great way to relax and unwind. A massage involves manipulating the muscles and joints to relieve stress or pain. This is achieved by relaxing tight muscles and promoting blood circulation. Massage may help reduce symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. Some of the symptoms that could be managed by massage therapy, include back pains, headaches, muscle issues, and other chronic pains.
Massages are also associated with boosting immunity.
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
60 Minutes
75 Minutes
90 Minutes
Heated Stone Massage
60 Minutes
75 Minutes
90 Minutes
Prenatal Massage
60 Minutes